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TOYOと日本IBMの共同開発により、業界標準のデータモデルを組み込んだEPCデータ統合Hub強化が完了<English follows>

投稿:2024/11/26 18:47
東洋エンジニアリング株式会社(取締役社長 細井 栄治、以下TOYO)が日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社(代表取締役社長 山口 明夫、以下 日本IBM)と共同で取り組んだ、プラント建設業務のEPC*¹における関連データを統合して管理・活用するための基盤「EPC Hub(プロジェクトデータ統合ハブ)」の機能強化が完了しました。本開発では、EPCプロジェクト分野におけるさらなる効率化・強靭化を目指して業界標準のデータモデルを組み込み、さらにMicrosoft Azure*² 上に基盤を構築することで「低コストでありながら、堅牢かつ拡張性の高いプラットフォーム」を実現しました。


今回開発したデータを統合して管理・活用する基盤「EPC Hub」のポイントは次の3点です。
1. リアルタイム連携機能で、より精度の高い意思決定を実現

2. 業界標準のCFIHOS*³/AWP*4データモデルを搭載

3. データハンドリング機能の強化

今回のEPC Hubの機能強化により、蓄積されたデータを活用した予測分析やリスク管理が可能となり、効率的かつ高品質なプロジェクト遂行が可能になりました。また、EPC Hubは拡張性を考慮して設計されているため、今後、新しい技術やツールを簡単に取り込むことが可能で、機能強化を図ることができます。さらに、EPC Hubはグローバルなプロジェクト管理にも対応しており、国際的なプロジェクトの効率的な運営が可能になりました。


*1 EPC: 設計(Engineering)、調達(Procurement)、工事(Construction)
*2 Microsoft Azure: Microsoft社が提供するクラウドコンピューティングプラットフォーム
*3 CFIHOS(Capital Facilities Information Handover Specification): プラントステークホルダー間のデータハンドオーバーの国際標準規格
*4 AWP(Advanced Work Packaging):建設工事の生産性向上とコスト削減を目的としたプロジェクトマネジメント手法
*5 バリデーション機能:入力値が要求されている正しい形式や範囲に合致しているかどうかを検証すること


日本IBMは、世界175カ国以上でビジネスを展開するIBMコーポレーションの日本法人で、基礎研究をはじめ、ビジネス・コンサルティングから、ITシステムの構築、保守まで一貫したサービスの提供を通じて、お客様の企業変革やデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを支援しています。詳細については、https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/ をご参照ください。
--<English follows>--
TOYO and IBM Japan Complete Enhancements to EPC Data Integration Hub with Industry-Standard Data Model

Toyo Engineering Corporation (President and CEO Eiji Hosoi, TOYO) jointly with IBM Japan Ltd. (President Akio Yamaguchi, IBM Japan) has successfully completed the enhancement of the "EPC Hub" - a data integration platform designed to manage and utilize data related to EPC*¹ processes in plant construction projects. The enhancement incorporates industry-standard data models and is built on Microsoft Azure*² to deliver a “cost-effective, robust, and highly scalable platform” aimed at driving further efficiency and resilience in EPC project execution.

The joint development combined TOYO’s extensive expertise in plant engineering industry with IBM Japan’s industry knowledge and consulting capabilities aligned with international standards, as well as architecture design, and implementation. The result is a sophisticated data analytics platform that seamlessly integrates business and IT, supporting efficient project execution in the digital era.

The enhanced EPC Hub provides the following key features:
1. Real-Time Integration for Better Decision-Making
Traditional decision-making support dashboards require manual efforts to define relationships between data sets, which is a significant challenge to efficiency. With the new real-time integration capabilities, the system automatically handles relationships between data. Users can now easily switch analysis perspectives, visualize interdependencies between project phases, and gain a comprehensive understanding of workflows with ease. Detailed analysis can also be performed without losing focus on key filters, enhancing decision making through multi-faceted data utilization.

2. Industry Standard Data Models (CFIHOS*³/AWP*⁴)
Previously, project data management relied heavily on manual processes, often resulting in data inconsistencies. By incorporating industry-standard data models, the new platform provides a common data format that streamlines information sharing across stakeholders and departments. This improvement not only strengthens cross-departmental collaboration, but also reduces errors and inconsistencies, and significantly minimizes project risks through enhanced data management based on industry standards.

3. Enhanced Data Handling Capabilities
The platform now includes enhanced data handling capabilities that improve data accuracy and consistency. A robust validation*⁵ feature automatically checks for errors during data import and update, preventing inaccurate data from entering the system. This enhancement ensures that users can rely on high quality data, significantly reducing the time spent on manual corrections and error resolution, ultimately reducing project workload.

The enhanced EPC Hub facilitates predictive analytics and risk management using collected data, enabling efficient and high quality project delivery. Designed with scalability in mind, the platform can easily integrate new technologies and tools in the future, ensuring continuous improvements in functionality. In addition, the EPC Hub supports global project management, enabling more effective implementation of international projects.

TOYO and IBM Japan continue to embrace technological innovation and integrate cutting-edge project management methodologies to meet client needs. By leveraging this enhanced platform, the companies aim to strengthen their competitive edge through improved quality, cost efficiency, and project schedule management. They also aim to expand their business by adopting globally standardized methodologies for plant projects.

*1 EPC: Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
*2 Microsoft Azure: A cloud computing platform provided by Microsoft
*3 CFIHOS (Capital Facilities Information Handover Specification): An international standard for data handover among plant stakeholders
*4 AWP (Advanced Work Packaging): A project management methodology focused on improving productivity and reducing costs in construction projects
*5 Validation : A process for verifying that input values conform to the required correct format or range.

About TOYO
Toyo Engineering Corporation has been at the forefront of engineering innovation since 1961. As a global engineering and project solutions partner, TOYO offers advanced technological solutions across a range of industries, from oil and gas to renewable energy and petrochemicals in over 60 countries. By leveraging its cutting-edge expertise and commitment to excellence, TOYO helps businesses worldwide achieve operational efficiency and sustainable development. With a mission of "Engineering for Sustainable Growth of the Global Community" Toyo is committed to driving progress and delivering solutions that benefit industries and communities alike. Learn more at https://www.toyo-eng.com/jp/en/.

About IBM Japan
IBM Japan is the Japanese entity of IBM Corporation, which is operating in more than 175 countries around the world. It supports clients’ business transformation and digital transformation through a full range of services, from basic research and business consulting to IT system development and maintenance. For more information, visit https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/.






