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リブセンス 転職会議

ジョブセンスは、成功報酬というスタイルの職業紹介(?)サイト。成功報酬だから企業が広告だすのもハードルが下がっていいんじゃないか?と思う。しかし・・・リブセンス自体はどうやって利益を得ているんだろうか。ジョブセンス内で企業がメールアドレスを記載したメッセージを送って、ジョブセンスの外部でやりとりをすれば、リブセンスは、応募者が就職したかどうかわからなくなる。どういう仕組みだ? ちなみにこちらも2ch評価は悪かった。メッセージ機能が乏しいとか・・・。
(注: 2ch で好評価がつく企業は少ないと思う。)

I searched about livesense in 2ch. There were several evaluations but I thought livesense should be evaluated by what they made, and I researched about their main services such as job sense and conference of job-change.
Conference of job-change is a site of evaluations by all people about many companies. It is a good service since it appeared when no such service exists. But bad evaluations are erased by specific people, so evaluations in the site are not reliable. But the biggest problem is rikunabi application form appears whenever I take an action in the site and can't proceed until I apply to rikunabi.
job-sense is a job-changing site of result rewording. It makes small companies can make job offer more easier. Then, I have a question. How livesense makes money with result rewording site. When companies using its site send a message including their companies' mail addresses to client, livesense can't know the contracts were made or denied. 2ch criticized the site.
One engineer makes one site in livesense, so it may be difficult to make better site than existing big sites.
(2ch hardly gives good evaluation.)