(In English, prior to Google translate)
Hello Japanese investors! I live in USA and am using google translate to write this, so please accept my most sincere apologies for the grammar. I have never been to your beautiful country, but I would love to visit sometime.
I am writing because I am an investor in Line Corp ADR and I have been watching 3938 LINE closely. May I please humbly I offer my ideas? I believe strongly in the company.
Concern:. No Dividend Solution:. LINE Must Introduce Its Own Cryptocurrency .. Stock Investors Should Invest Additional Capital And Be Issued Rights For The New Currency It'S Usefulness In The LINE Ecosystem Will Drive Growth In Currency Value This Will Be Like A Dividend Boost. Anyone can launch a cryptocurrency, but nobody could put it to use like LINE!
Concern: Short sellers are hurting common investors. Solution: LINE must add function for LINE users to purchase LINE stock in small amounts of 10 shares in new LINE FINANCIAL platform. If ½ of all LINE Pay customers bought 10 shares, that would be 200 million shares. Let the people crush the short-sellers.
Concern: No Consensus On Value (Target Price Range From 3000 To 5900) Solution:. We Must View The Company As A Growth Firm . - LINE Is Growing Revenues Fast And More Importantly, LINE Is Creating Entirely New Revenue Streams This Is A Growth We should not examine LINE as a value stock. It was smart to handoff the nuts and bolts of LINE Mobile to Softbank. Let Softbank worry about hardware and let LINE focus on growth.
The FSA needs LINE needs FSA approval. I believe the FSA will give LINE approval soon because LINE builds prudently and does not worship at the altar of subscriber growth. This will serve LINE well over time. Today in USA, the people are angry at Facebook and Twitter for irresponsible growth and election problems, violence, etc. Celebrities are deleting Facebook and asking their friends to do the same.
Even I knew expenses would be up with the launch of Wave speakers. They even told us expenses would be up on the October 2017 conference call. Now Do not fall for it. Do not fall for it. Do not fall for it. Short sellers want you to run so easy can profit. Remember, it is a growth company and management is credible in my eyes Because they told the truth.
This will drive capital for growth on Jan 31 conference call. This will drive capital for LINE finance with launch of new cryptocurrency which will be used more frequently than any cryptocurrency in the world to actually buy things. and be similar to a dividend for shareholders.
Concern: No stock split. Solution: Allow LINE Financial users to buy small amounts of LINE stock via LINE Financial app. Between will and settle the argument between institutional analysts about target price .
Concern:. Bad International Growth Solution:. LINE Should Have A Team Of 3 Employees For Each Country In The World To Keep The LINE Platform Fresh In That Country . The Team Will Be The Eyes And Ears For LINE In That Country Keep The Platform Simple I can tell nobody is paying attention to it from LINE corporate. Why not! I remember seeing Kevin (here in USA for example), and only add ability when ready. Give every country just a little bit of love ok? Remember, Costner in Field of Dreams when I was a boy, in the theater. the celebrities are quitting Facebook here in the USA...
The Long Game: I respect LINE for building things properly, it will serve LINE well in the long run. That is why I own the. But the common investors must have the narrative for this great Japanese company *** and not let the I call a bullshit! I am a sheep - dog, not a sheep.
It must be brought home to Japan by Softbank or someone else, to truly flourish. In my opinion That will only be a matter of time.
Sincerely yours,
LINE supporter in USA